In March, 2022 a small group from the Pura Vida Board of Directors visited our local staff, volunteers, and projects in Guatemala. One of our goals was to assess conditions for resuming group trips. From talking with business owners who rely on tourist trade, we learned that groups are just now beginning to return to the country. So we appear to be on a good timeline.
So when can bring groups to Guatemala again? Our main concern is how groups will be received by the local population. The pandemic is still very much a concern in Guatemala, and masks are still required by law. Our local staff has been vaccinated, but many are still extremely wary of catching the virus. Some of the families that we work with are not vaccinated due to cultural and personal reasons.
Still, travel to Guatemala is logistically more complex than before. Testing and vaccination requirements have added new variables to the equation. We expect the situation to evolve as caseloads and restrictions in the U.S. and Guatemala change.
With this in mind, we have drawn up guidelines for potential team members traveling to Guatemala. If you are interested in traveling to Guatemala with us again in the near future, please review these requirements carefully. Then please contact us so we can get an idea of potential trip sizes.
Thanks for your interest, and for your patience as we navigate a rapidly changing landscape.
September 12, 2022: Modification of Guatemala Team Member Guidelines