We are sad to report the passing of Sister Helen Werner. We will be following up with a special tribute, but in the meantime please enjoy this short, well-written biography written by Maryknoll in 2022: A Joyful Contemplative
From the Maryknoll Contemplative Community today:

Our very dear Relatives and Friends of our Sr. Helen,
This brings our loving and prayerful greetings to each of you. Our dear Sr. Helen Werner’s Wake is planned for Thursday, January 23, at 4:15 p.m., in the Main Chapel of our Maryknoll Sisters Center, 10 Pinesbridge Road, Maryknoll, New York 10545. At the Wake there will be an opportunity for anyone who wishes to share any thoughts on Sister Helen’s life and presence.
The Mass of Resurrection for Sr. Helen will be Friday morning, January 24, at 10 a.m., in our Maryknoll Sisters Main Chapel. It will be on live-stream for those who are not able to come. We will be sending you the link a few days before January 24.
We would appreciate knowing if you are planning to come for the Wake and/or Mass of Resurrection for Sr. Helen. Because of limited accommodations at this time, we regret that we are not able to offer overnight accommodations at Maryknoll.
Someone has asked about sending flowers, and we would like to suggest instead sending a donation for our Maryknoll Sisters Nursing Residence, where Sr. Helen so enjoyed her life these past years since leaving Guatemala.
Looking forward to being with you on January 23 and 24, in person or on livestream on January 24. We regret the Wake is not on livestream. Should you wish to share any memory of Sr. Helen, and are unable to come, please just email your message and we will share it at the Wake.
Your loving and prayerfully grateful,
Sr. Theresa for the Maryknoll Contemplative Community
This brings our loving and prayerful greetings to each of you. Our dear Sr. Helen Werner’s Wake is planned for Thursday, January 23, at 4:15 p.m., in the Main Chapel of our Maryknoll Sisters Center, 10 Pinesbridge Road, Maryknoll, New York 10545. At the Wake there will be an opportunity for anyone who wishes to share any thoughts on Sister Helen’s life and presence.
The Mass of Resurrection for Sr. Helen will be Friday morning, January 24, at 10 a.m., in our Maryknoll Sisters Main Chapel. It will be on live-stream for those who are not able to come. We will be sending you the link a few days before January 24.
We would appreciate knowing if you are planning to come for the Wake and/or Mass of Resurrection for Sr. Helen. Because of limited accommodations at this time, we regret that we are not able to offer overnight accommodations at Maryknoll.
Someone has asked about sending flowers, and we would like to suggest instead sending a donation for our Maryknoll Sisters Nursing Residence, where Sr. Helen so enjoyed her life these past years since leaving Guatemala.
Looking forward to being with you on January 23 and 24, in person or on livestream on January 24. We regret the Wake is not on livestream. Should you wish to share any memory of Sr. Helen, and are unable to come, please just email your message and we will share it at the Wake.
Your loving and prayerfully grateful,
Sr. Theresa for the Maryknoll Contemplative Community