On Friday, January 24, 2025 at 10:00 AM (New York time), a Mass of the Resurrection will be celebrated for Sister Helen Werner. The Mass will be livestreamed here:
https://www.maryknollsisters.org/livestream/ |

It took months of living in the new orphanage in Lemoa for me to find my way to the Maryknoll Contemplative Community just down the street. That I didn’t discover it earlier is a tribute to a single-minded focus on figuring how I could best help the community on my own. The day Sister Helen walked into the orphanage I had no idea that my mindset would soon change completely.
Sister Helen and co-worker Lilla took me under their wing. I went from occasional meals with them to lodging in one of their spare, almost monastic cells facing the plaza. I integrated in some of their daily activities (except for the rising at 4 AM part). Their sense of peace began to rub off on me.
I was still determined to do something. But now instead of trying to work things out on my own, I had Sister Helen to gently guide me. She knew everyone in Lemoa, and had some ideas for partnership. She introduced me to the teachers at the local elementary school. She provided some scholarships there, and the teachers suggested that more scholarships would be a good thing.
I'll let Sister Helen take it from here:
Mark was looking for ways to help the Guatemalan people. He liked the idea of providing scholarships. I introduced him to the Directress of the school and the sixth grade teacher. His program took root and more than 400 students are receiving scholarships and each relate personally to their sponsor.
May 2021 ~ Regional Meeting in Guatemala City
I only wish I could delegate half as effectively as Sister Helen did in this one instance. Our scholarship program was born in that meeting at the Lemoa Elementary School. Over the years roughly 1,000 students have participated. Students whose parents never went to school are now graduating from university.
Some memories:
- Trying to keep up with Sister Helen when she raced up the steep hill from the main road
- Having my morning tea and toast with her, even though she had been up for hours by then
- Village kids ringing the doorbell during dinner, and Sister Helen always ready to answer, even in mid-bite
- A refrigerator full of used Sarita ice-cream containers (Guatemalan tupperware)
- The world-class pineapple upside-down cakes she made when I later visited from the States (she gave me the recipe, but it’s just not the same)
- Celebrating Sister Helen’s birthday with her at our temporary home on Lake Atitlan
- Not least, having my worldview blown out of the water by a humble nun living simply with gratitude
Much of our philosophy is based on Sister Helen’s thoughtful and community-minded approach. Over the last 20 years we have brought hundreds of volunteers to hear that from her first-hand. I hope some of the peace and gratitude she exuded rubbed off on them, too.